Other Financial Assistance

Gregory S. Jenkins Emergency Assistance Fund in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science

Emergency grants are awarded to students who encounter extraordinary events or circumstances that could negatively affect their ability to continue their studies in the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science. Emergency grants are awarded on a case-by-case basis and can be given to a student no more than once per academic year. Limited funding is available.

Terry Mahoney Emergency Assistance Fund in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Emergency grants are awarded to students who encounter extraordinary events or circumstances that could negatively affect their ability to continue their studies in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. Emergency grants are awarded on a case-by-case basis and can be given to a student no more than once per academic year. Limited funding is available.

Matthew J. Wilson Loan Fund in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Low-interest loans are available to entering first-year students as well as upperclassmen and graduate students. Students may borrow up to $1,200 per semester ($2,400 per year) through the fund. Repayment is not required until after graduation. Currently, no interest accrues until graduation. After graduation, the University assesses a 6 percent simple interest rate on these loans. The college, subject to the approval of the University Financial Aid Office, grants these loans. If you have any questions, please visit Ashlee Kochik in the Office of the Dean (116 Deike Building). 

The Central Iowa Chapter of the National Weather Association

Two atmospheric science scholarships are offered annually.

The Tim Samaras Memorial Scholarship is for meteorology students who are pursuing a career in research meteorology.  The Pam Daale Memorial Scholarship will be focused on students pursuing careers in broadcast or operational meteorology.  The award for each scholarship will be $1500.  More information can be found in the links below - or via the attached announcement.   

Pam Daale Scholarship 

Tim Samaras Scholarship